race, reconciliation and social justice

Resources on Racial Justice

We are broken as a nation. The sins of racism, social injustice, and an economic system that benefits some by suppressing others continue to have grave consequences for so many people. They have led those who are most deeply affected to act out of intense feelings of frustration, fear, anger, and desperation. They have kept others from being their best selves. And, these sins continue to stand in the way of God’s true intention for a world in which everyone is seen as a child of God and treated with justice, respect, and most of all, love. So, in the midst of all that is going on, what can we do as people of faith? How can we make a difference?

First, we can pray. Second, we can listen and learn. Finally, we can act. Below, we have gathered a number of resources that can help us all learn and identify ways that we can be allies for our brothers and sisters of color. We hope these are helpful for you as we, as the community of faith called Christ Church, do everything we can to build and to model the kind of community our world so desperately needs.